Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic Steroids
Short description of anabolic steroids
Anabolic steroids are performance enhancing drugs used to increase the muscle mass and strength and improve athletic performance. There are many anabolic steroids widely available such as injectable steroids, oral steroids and others. Even though all steroids pursue the same goals, they are all different in their structure, have distinct features and traits. When using a steroid one has to possess adequate knowledge about it in order to avoid side effects and obtain the desired result.
All the steroids may be used in different cycles and in conjunction with other steroids, more or less potent than the base steroid. In order to avoid estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia, acne, water retention and others, most athletes add to the cycle a non-aromatizing drug, which prevents the conversion into estrogen through the aromatase enzyme.
Uses of steroids
Generally, an anabolic steroid cycle should last between 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the steroid used and the desired results. Oral steroids should be used even less than 6 weeks, as they are very potent and toxic and may cause liver damage and other severe side effects. Despite the side effects oral steroids are best to be used before competitions, as they provide good results in a relatively short period of time. Injectable steroids are more versatile. The most popular injectable steroid is with no doubt testosterone. It serves as a great base for any steroid cycle and it is a very safe and potent steroid. Injectable steroids also provide great results in a longer period of time with less risk of developing side effects.
Doses should be set individually considering the medical condition of the user, previous experience with steroids, desired results and how prone is the user to side effects.
The forms of administration of steroids are the following intramuscular injection, oral administration, transdermal administration and subcutaneous injection. (For more information see the previous articles).
The benefits of using steroids
There are numerous benefits from using steroids. If properly following all the indications of administration and dosage the effects from using steroids may be long-lasting and with no risk for health. We will mention the most important benefits one may obtain by following an anabolic steroid cycle:
Increase the muscle mass and strength;
Increase testosterone levels;
Improve athletic performance;
Decrease in weight gain;
Improved physical appearance, or the so called "quality muscle" appearance.
Possible side effects with steroids
Despite the positive effects of steroids, they may also cause side effects. generally these depend on how prone the user is to side effects. Some adverse reactions also depend on the anabolic steroid. Therefore, all side effects may manifest differently in each user and last for an undetermined period of time. Some of the most common side effects with steroids are the following:
Rapid weight gain;
Increased blood pressure;
Increased cholesterol levels;
Decreased sexual functioning;
Swelling of feet and ankles and others.
Some steroids may also cause estrogen-related side effects such as water retention, acne, gynecomastia, increased facial and body hair growth and others.
Overall, the incidence of side effects depends on each user and mainly if all the indications of use and dosage are followed exactly and the period of time of using steroids.
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