Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Free Gear
Dear Customers,
We are glad to inform you that we started a new Promo - ***Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Free Gear***
Place your order and GET A FREE kalpa injectable.
How it works:
- Only First 20 Orders over $300 - GET 1 free vial of Testoxyl Cypionate 250, Testoxyl Enanthate 250 or Testoxyl Propionate 100.
- Only First 15 Orders over $500 - GET 3 free vial of Testoxyl Cypionate 250, Testoxyl Enanthate 250 or Testoxyl Propionate 100.
- Only First 10 Orders over $1000 - GET 5 free vial of Testoxyl Cypionate 250, Testoxyl Enanthate 250 or Testoxyl Propionate 100.
- Only First 5 Orders over $2000 - GET 10 free vial of Testoxyl Cypionate 250, Testoxyl Enanthate 250 or Testoxyl Propionate 100.
!!! - Hurry up to make purchase - Promo orders is limited - !!!
*The order may consist of any products on the site.*
Please place the order after that get back to us in a ticket, give us the order number and what did you choose to add to your order.
Oct 15, 2015
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