Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Substance: Drostanolone Propionate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
What is Mastodex Propionate 100?
Mastodex Propionate 100 is produced by Sciroxx. Its active ingredient is Drostanolone propionate. Drostanolone propionate is an anabolic steroid mostly used by the athletes in combination with other steroids and in cutting cycles. Unlike drostanolone enanthate, the propionate ester is a fast acting steroid; therefore it needs to be injected daily. Even if its most benefit is associated with the cutting cycles, it has also proved to be efficient in increasing muscle mass and strength and reducing fat loss. Drostanolone propionate does not have the ability to aromatize therefore it does not convert into estrogen. Its anabolic/androgenic properties are moderate and its main advantage over other steroids is that it does not cause estrogen related side effects. Drostanolone propionate (Masteron) does not enhance athletic performance; moreover it reduces fat, creates "quality” muscles and makes it a good option for the athletes before competitions.
Possible side effects with Mastodex Propionate 100
The most common side effects are the following:
• Oily skin;
• Facial and body hair growth;
• Aggression;
• Hair loss;
• Depression;
• Insomnia and others.
• Frequent and persistent errections;
• Male pattern baldness and others.
In order to minimize the risk of side effects it is recommended to take concurrently 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. It is considered that these agents lower the incidence of steroid related side effects.
Effective doses and indications of use
As already mentioned, Mastodex Propionate 100 comes in form of injectable oil solution. It a s fast acting steroid, which means that its effects is short in duration and it is necessary to inject it more often in order to keep an even quantity of the drug in the blood. Generally, the ampules contain 2 ml of the drug equivalent to 100 mg. The recommended dose is 100 mg every two or three days. The weekly dosage should range within 200-350 mg, a quantity more than sufficient to obtain good results. For female athletes, it is considered that a safe dose should range within 25 to 50mg each week. In order to rebalance the quantity of steroid in the body, the dose has to be taken once weekly.
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Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Drostanolone Di-Propionate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
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Brand/Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Active Substance: Drostanolone Propionate
Product Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
Active Half-Life: 1-2 Days
Dose for Men: 350-500 Mg/Week
Dose for Women: 75-150 Mg/Week
Aromatization: No
Toxicity: Low
Acne: Yes
⛔ Each order must contain either Domestic OR International products.
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✅ To avoid extra charges and delays, please order them separately.