Extended Lean Bulking Cycle
Pre-Designed Cycles

Extended Lean Bulking Cycle

1355.00 USD

Purpose: Lean & Bulking
- 50 mL of Testosterone Enanthate (250 mg/mL)
- 40 mL of Boldenone (300 mg/mL)
- 30 mL of Tren Acetate (100 mg/mL)
- 60 mL of Drostanolone P (100 mg/mL)
- 500 Tablets of Turanabol (10 mg/tab)
- 10 000 IUs of HCG (5 000 IU/amp)

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Extended Lean Bulking Cycle Detailed

Extended Lean Bulking Cycle Layout

Week Test Enanthate Boldenone Tren Acetate Drost P Turanabol HCG
1 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 100 mg/eod 100 mg/eod
2 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 100 mg/eod 100 mg/eod
3 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 100 mg/eod 100 mg/eod
4 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 100 mg/eod 100 mg/eod
5 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 100 mg/eod 100 mg/eod
6 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 100 mg/eod 100 mg/eod 500 IU/3rd day
7 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 100 mg/eod 100 mg/eod 500 IU/3rd day
8 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 100 mg/eod 100 mg/eod 40 mg/day 500 IU/3rd day
9 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 40 mg/day 500 IU/3rd day
10 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 40 mg/day 500 IU/3rd day
11 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 40 mg/day
12 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 40 mg/day
13 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 40 mg/day
14 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 40 mg/day
15 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 40 mg/day
16 750 mg/week 600 mg/week 40 mg/day

An extended lean bulking cycle for the advanced user. User will inject 1.5 cc of Test Enanth 250 and 1 cc of Bold twice per week for weeks 1-16.

User will also inject 1 cc of Mast 100 every other day for weeks 1-16 along with 1cc of Tren Acetate 100 every other day for weeks 1-8.

Starting in week 8 the user will take 4 tabs of Turan every day 8 weeks and will begin taking 500 IU of HCG every 3rd day starting in week 6 for 4 weeks.

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HCG 5000 IU
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Drug Class:
Natural Hormone
Composition: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Dosage: 5000 IUs / 1 mL
Presentation: One 10 mL Vial
Form: Solution for Injection
Trade Name: -
Brand/Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Lab Report
Each order must contain either Domestic OR International products.
⚠️ Mixed orders WILL NOT be processed unless the additional shipping fee is paid.
✅ To avoid extra charges and delays, please order them separately.

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Masteroxyl 100
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Brand/Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Active Substance: Drostanolone Propionate
Product Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
Active Half-Life: 1-2 Days
Dose for Men: 350-500 Mg/Week
Dose for Women: 75-150 Mg/Week
Aromatization: No
Toxicity: Low
Acne: Yes
Each order must contain either Domestic OR International products.
⚠️ Mixed orders WILL NOT be processed unless the additional shipping fee is paid.
✅ To avoid extra charges and delays, please order them separately.

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Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Purpose: Cutting
- Testosterone Propionate x 10 mL Vial x 3
- Trenbolone Acetate x 10 mL Vial x 3
- Stanozolol x 200 Tablets
- Anastrozole x 100 Tablets

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Dragon Pharma, Europe

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Substance: Drostanolone Di-Propionate
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
Each order must contain either Domestic OR International products.
⚠️ Mixed orders WILL NOT be processed unless the additional shipping fee is paid.
✅ To avoid extra charges and delays, please order them separately.

78.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
Endurance Cycle
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Purpose: Strength & Endurance
- 10 mL of Testosterone Cypionate (250 mg/mL)
- 20 mL of Boldenone (300 mg/mL)
- 250 Tablets of Oxandrolone (10 mg/tab)
- 100 Tablets of Anastrozole (1 mg/tab)

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